
5011 at the end of autumn

5011 always works in the morning rush hour. But in this day, she works in the afternoon for the school excursion.

Type: 5000, Number: 5011, Manufactureing: 1957-04
Camera: Nikon D200

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:47:04

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:47:10

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:47:21

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:47:24


1356 at the end of autumn

1356 presents the mutual relief for residents of Kumamoto prefecture .

Type: 1350, Number: 1356, Manufactureing: 1960-07
Camera: Nikon D200
Photographing day: 2007-11-30T14:45:30

Photographing day: 2007-11-30T14:45:36

Photographing day: 2007-11-30T15:10:28


9203 and 9203 at the end of autumn

Type 9200 tramcars are passing by each other in autumnal landscape.

Type: 9200, Number: 9202, Manufacturing: 1992-03
Type: 9200, Number: 9205, Manufacturing: 1994-12
Camera: Nikon D200

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:43:11

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:43:23

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:43:26

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:43:43


1355 at the end of autumn

1355 which works for one of the job information magazine "Town work" is passing by the autumn trees.

Type: 1350, Number: 1355, Manufacturing: 1960-07
Camera: Nikon D200Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:40:16

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:40:50

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T15:01:41

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T15:03:40


1095 at the end of autumn

The original color tram 1095 is beautiful in front of the street trees with autumn color.

Type: 1090, Number: 1095, Manufacturing: 1957-10
Camera: Nikon D200

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:38:29

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T16:03:18

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T16:03:29


1351 at the end of autumn

1351 with new wrapping is working in the town of autumn colour.

Type: 1350, Number: 1351, Manufacturing: 1960-07
Camera: Nikon D200

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:35:40

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:35:49

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:52:38

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T16:09:26


1207 at the end of autumn

We have a lot of maidenhair trees at the roadsides.

Type: 1200, Number: 1207, Manufacturing: 1959-09
Camera: Nikon D200

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T14:35:12

Photographing day: 2007-11-30 T15:02:14


8202 at the end of autumn

We have many maidenhair trees as roadside tree.

Type: 8200, Number: 8202 (Hinokuni), Manufacturing: 1982-05
Camera: Nikon D200

Photograping day: 2007-11-30T14:14:36

Photograping day: 2007-11-30T15:46:02

Photograping day: 2007-11-30T15:46:19

Photograping day: 2007-11-14 T16:05:53


9705 with a new wrapping

9705 wore the new wrapping which presents Orange ribbon (URL).

Type: 9700, Number: 9705, Manufactureing: 2001-03
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33

Photographing day: 2007-11-15 T10:34:55

Photographing day: 2007-11-15 T10:35:04


With a gorilla

This is a convenience stop for our zoo.

Type: 1090, Number: 1095, Manufacturing: 1957-10
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-11-15 T08:39:36

At the Intersection of Suidoucho

In the morning of late autumn, the leaves of street trees turned yellow.

Type: 1080, Number: 1081, Manufacturing: 1954-12
Type: 1090, Number: 1096, Manufacturing: 1955-09
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-11-14T08:14:20


In the mirror

9704 is coming after me.

Type: 9700, Number: 9704, Manufacturing: 2001
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-11-09 T08:10:31


Chikinramen-gou at the intersection

8502 wrapped by by Chikin ramen is waitng at stoplights.

Type: 8500, Number: 8501, Manufacturing: 1985-03
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-11-08 T08:16:39

On the bridge

1356 has just crossed the bridge.

Type: 1350, Number: 1356, Manufacturing: 1960-07
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-11-08 T08:12:46


The door roof of Type8200

8201 has a straight door roof and 8202 has a round door roof.

Type: 8200, Number: 8201 (Shirakawa), Manufacturing: 1982-05
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photograping day: 2007-11-06 T08:10:39

Type: 8200, Number: 8202 (Hinokuni), Manufacturing: 1982-05
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photograping day: 2007-11-14 T08:03:05

1351 with new clothes

1351 wears a new wrapping which advertises a new ATM machine in convenience stores.

Type: 1350, Number: 1351, Manufacturing: 1960-07
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-11-05 T08:20:40


The Oldest Passenger Tramcar

This is the oldest tramcar for passengers in Kumamoto city transportation bureau.
Her color scheme remains in the days of Showa Era.

Type: 1060, Number: 1063, Manufacturing: 1951-06
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-11-02 T08:12:22

8501 with original color

8501 wore the wrapping of My Navi which is a job information site for students till this summer. But she came back with her original color in autumn.

Type: 8500, Number: 8501, Manufacturing: 1985-03
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-11-02T08:02:35

9701 at Suizenji

9701 is making a stop at the stop of Suizenji Park.

Type: 9700, Number: 9701, Manufactureing: 1997-04
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-11-02T07:59:25


9704 in the morning rush hour

9704 wore the police car like wrapping since May 2007.

Type: 9700, Number: 9704, Manufacturing: 2001
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-10-16T08:13:22

1081 in the morning rush hour

1081 is the second oldest tramcar in the Kumamoto transportation bureau. It's bound for the downtown.

Type: 1080, Number: 1081, Manufacturing: 1954-12
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-10-17T08:14:19

1210 in the morning rush hour

1210 goes to the Kumamoto staion of Jaoan Railways.

Type: 1200, Numbeer: 1210, Manufacturing: 1958-05
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-10-19T08:02:57


1095 with original color

1095 was wrapped by the property company till this July.

Type: 1090, Number: 1095, Manufacturing: 1957-10
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33

Photographing day: 2007-10-27T12:16:18

Photographing day: 2007-10-27T12:16:23

Photographing day: 2007-10-29T08:14:08


9205 with rice ears

9205 has been presenting the rise brands of Kumamoto.

Type: 9200, Number: 9205, Manufacturing: 1994-12
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-10-23T08:11:08

Waiting at stoplights

1094 is making a stop at the intersection.

Type: 1090, Number: 1094, Manufacturing: 1957-10
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-10-23T08:06:02


Waiting at stoplights

1351 is waiting green signal at the intersection with Route 3.

Type: 1350, Number: 1351, Manufacturing: 1960-07
Camera: Panasonic LUMIX DMC-FX33
Photographing day: 2007-10-22T08:13:35